What is Dettalli

Dettalli aims to evaluate a service whose purpose is to test the various aspects of the service itself.

This practice is used by hotels to verify if their services meet the standards that the company has set itself.

In order to do so, Dettalli’s mystery shoppers (literally incognito clients) are hired; their job is to go to a specific point of sale, pretending to be normal buyers and testing the quality of the service offered.

At the end of the assignment Dettalli’s mystery shopper will have to tell his own experience and provide an evaluation based on specific parameters. The evaluation provided by the mysterious customer is then collected, combined and sent to the customer who requested the survey with the aim of identifying any areas of improvement of the service itself.
How Dettalli Works
The Mystery Shopping service offered by Dettalli manages the entire supply chain, from the engagement with the hotel, to the search for incognito buyers up to the completion of the questionnaires and the supervision of the tasks.
Dettalli takes care of looking for and engaging people who can then carry out tasks in the geographic locations needed.

Benefits of using Dettalli
- Independent & impartial feedback
- Help enhance your customers’ experience
- Recognize outstanding employees
- Determine if service delivery matches standards set
- Identify training needs
- Measure results of training
- Quantify average length of call or transaction
- Provide useful management information
- Identify ineffective processes and systems
- Help improve performance & behavior
- Improve customer maintenance
- Improve consistency
- Make changes that count
- Help to build employee & client loyalty
- Help grow your business
If you are a large resort, an independent property, part of a chain or a bed and breakfast ; Dettalli’s professional mystery shoppers can help uncover areas of potential improvement and elevate accountability between your teams for a greater level of customer service and enhanced culture.
After an on-site visit or a remote shop; Dettalli‘s dedicated specialists can also assist in setting up relevant benchmarks and provide meaningful action plans to drive your customer journey in the right path and accordingly stimulate your commercial results.
Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.
– Pat Riley

Dettalli’s mystery customer programmes are appropriate for any business providing customer service and are therefore not exclusive to the hospitality industry. We offer a bespoke service and tailor each programme to match the service standards of each of our clients.

Dettalli’s mystery shoppers can show you the experience that people have with your products and services for every touch-point they come into contact with. We are also able to offer a benchmarking analysis of the customer experience compared to the competition.

Simple yet powerful action planning that gets accountability and results.
Dettalli’s customer programmes are cost-effective and our range of mystery shopping services covers every aspect of the customer experience:
- Mystery customer telephone audits
- Mystery guests visit
- Online mystery shopping
- Mystery site assessment
- Collateral appraisal
- Mystery dining
Dettalli specializes in the hospitality industry and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and expertise in this field.
We provide highly effective hospitality mystery customer programmes designed for:
- Meetings and events
- Room reservations
- Group sales
- Spa day bookings
- Real estate sales
- Restaurant bookings
- Private dining

Hotels all over the world use hotel mystery shopping companies to evaluate performance in sales and customer service. If so many people do it, then it must work. Dettalli is pleased to offer hotel mystery shopping assessments specifically for the hospitality industry by telephone and in-person. Hotel mystery shopping results will be presented based on pre-set criteria and will include suggested personalized improvement tips.
It all happens in 3 easy steps
Step 1: You tell us what you want to evaluate and when.
We have some standards that we can provide or you can pick your own.
Step 2: We visit your location, document the experience and present feedback.
Once you have confirmed your requirements, we will conduct the onsite audit.
Step 3: We send you a summary report.
The report will explain what happened and provides tips for improvement. Once you have your report, you are welcome to review the findings with your team.

What is Coaching?
As a definition, coaching is a support for individuals or teams with the aim of developing their respective potential, allowing the emergence and implementation of success strategies to define and achieve their objectives, both in personal and professional areas.
Coachee is the client.
A coach is very often compared to a facilitator, because he helps his coachee to develop their potential and find their own answers and solutions.
A coaching consultant helps by equipping clients with strategies that will help them do better in the future and even avoid some challenges. Consulting, on the other hand, provides clients with tools and even helps with the execution of strategies that solve specific challenges.
A master coach empowers the clients and offers them motivation and the tools so they can realize the challenges, address them, and create a strategy to overcome them. A master coach helps individuals and organizations maximize their inherent potential and become their best version.
Coaches ask questions and consultants provide solutions.
Why resolve to Coaching?
To identify our Soft Skills, also called behavioral skills, which are personal skills and interpersonal skills that impact how we interact with others, manage our work, and solve our challenges.
Examples such as and not limited to:
- Integrity
- Effective communication
- Open- mindedness
- Teamwork
- Creativity
- Problem solving
- Empathy
- Critical thinking
- Willingness to work
Soft skills contribute to effective communication, positive interpersonal relationships, and a healthy, more balanced life.
Soft skills have become essential in the professional context and are increasingly recognized as key elements of individual and organizational success.
Who needs Coaching?
Coaching can be used by anyone who is going through changes in life.
Changing jobs, starting a business, starting a healthy lifestyle, or having family disturbance and need help in making positive growth decisions that will lead them towards achieving more personal goals than they ever thought possible.
Welcome to Dettalli, an eye opener to your hidden soft skills,
your values, your needs, your motivations and above all your potential.

We are Master Coach Consultants in the following coaching areas:
Professional & career coaching, life coaching, co-development, stress management, time management, conflict management, women coaching and sport mental coaching.
1. Professional coach
The process of coaching consists of supporting a person, a team or an organization to achieve its objective. It offers the person, called coachee, a space in which he or she can retain control over his/her future. The coachee receives support and suggestions from the coach to make objective assessments and constructive decisions. The coach helps the coachee to identify and overcome unpleasant feelings and behaviors and to adopt new patterns of thinking and acting.
The coach helps the coachee to overcome challenges and develop his or her best possible potential.
The goal is not only to improve the status quo, but also to acquire new skills and attitudes – this helps the coachee to stay calm and strong inside as well as to find solution strategies for difficult situations.
Signs that indicate your employees may need a professional business coach include:
- Feeling stuck or stagnant in their career progression.
- Struggling to effectively lead teams or manage interpersonal dynamics.
- Experiencing high levels of stress or burnout.

2. Time management and organization:
Whether you are a salesman, a writer, a director , or simply a parent , your relationship with time is not going to be the same…
Coaching helps you to manage time and priorities more effectively, and to gain greater control. The aim is to stop a race against the clock. Today, time is a resource like work or money. Time management is becoming imperative in the corporate world, but also for employees.
Coaching will enable managers to:
- Become more efficient, to choose the right priorities and set their objectives effectively.
- Become more efficient, so they can carry out their tasks with the best ratio of results obtained to time and energy spent.
- Sustainably improve their relationship with time, by understanding the elements of their personality that prevent sustainable, effective management of time and priorities.
3. Coaching managers
Management requires agility and the ability to adapt to change, to evolve in complex environments where speed, crisis, risk, opportunity and change all come together.
It is in this context that the manager must federate teams and generate commitment, share a vision and an effective strategy, and know how to communicate in highly variable situations.
4. Co-development
Co-development is a long-term group facilitation process based on collective intelligence. The group tackles issues from its daily professional life to solve challenges, share concerns or clarify projects. Each participant undertakes to share his or her ideas with the group, to collaborate and to help his or her peer (the “client” of the consultation) in exploring his or her challenge, to discover new approaches and innovative solutions adapted to his or her situation.
Objectives of the process
The objectives of the professional co-development approach are:
- Learn to be more effective
- To understand and try to formalize one’s models
- Take time for reflection
- Have a group to belong to
- Consolidate professional identity
- Learn to help and be helped
- Enjoy the pleasure of learning
Examples of challenges
Co-development is particularly effective in situations where it is necessary to:
- Support major strategic change, challenge corporate culture, break down functional and geographical silos.
- Reinforce organizational performance by creating a dynamic of collective reflection among executives and managers
- Offer executives and managers a time for sharing with their peers, a space for reflection and creativity to highlight and resolve their main professional issues – all within a strict framework of confidentiality, trust, benevolence and mutual support.
5. Stress management
Busy schedules, the economic crisis, the need to be versatile and adapt to change, competition between individuals, tensions and conflicts that may exist at work – these are just a few examples of sources of stress. Today, managers and their teams need to feel at ease in organizations that are nevertheless subject to various psycho-social factors.
The results of the coaching solution:
The coaching approach, with its benevolence and pragmatic solutions, is a highly effective means of preventing and managing stress.
A structural, preventive and curative approach to stress ensures a harmonious balance between pressure and performance. Organizations obtain solutions adapted to their context. Employees become more resilient and feel supported, which boosts their motivation. Productivity remains optimal and suffers less from stress-related absenteeism.
Coached managers can also apply various tools and techniques to manage stress.
6. Coaching for women
Women of influence, businesswomen, managers, project leaders, consultants, mothers, young women full of ideas who want to draw inspiration from the values and behaviors of women who have succeeded in their professional and personal lives, the women’s coaching solution develops your leadership skills.
Coaching aims to develop women’s potential by highlighting their talents, resources and skills.
Female leadership is driven by the need for greater synchronization. Feminine qualities are assets in an increasingly connected and ever-changing world.
In today’s economy and that of the future, connectivity, humility, vulnerability, transparency, reliability, patience, empathy, a long-term view and flexibility will be significant qualities of great leadership. These qualities are considered feminine values.
Our coaching for women enables them to develop and evolve while maintaining a balance between their private and professional lives.
Coaching aims to develop women’s potential by highlighting their talents, resources and skills.
Female leadership is driven by the need for greater synchronization. Feminine qualities are assets in an increasingly connected and ever-changing world.
7. Conflict management
Conflict can be stimulating, enabling companies to find innovative solutions to challenges.
However, it is generally perceived in a negative light and expresses the tensions experienced within work teams. Whether structural, relational, based on values or interests, conflict management is essential to prevent it from escalating.
The first step is to learn how to identify the nature of conflict.
There are highly effective methods for limiting or even putting an end to conflict, even when it has already been going on for a long time. These include methods derived from communication practices, transactional analysis, team building and conflict coaching.
Managing team conflict also means learning techniques for mediation and setting a framework, as well as techniques for the neutral and benevolent accompaniment of individuals evolving within a group.
Is your organization sometimes paralyzed by conflict?
Is collaboration suffering?
Do your employees sometimes tend to avoid conflict or “over-react” to tension?
Our coaching enables your employees to adopt the “right attitudes” and find “constructive solutions “ to manage conflict effectively.

Mental preparation is defined as “preparation for competition by learning mental and cognitive skills, the main aim of which is to optimize the athlete’s personal performance while promoting the pleasure of practice and encouraging the achievement of autonomy”.
Its aim is to optimize performance while preserving the athlete’s balance and self-fulfillment.
Mental preparation refers to skills, procedures and strategies designed to enhance learning and optimize performance.

- Observe the states, behaviors and attitudes of individual athletes, teams, etc. in a relevant manner.
- Understand observed phenomena using theoretical and operational tools.
- Develop quality relationships with athletes and their environment
- Use appropriate tools: individual interview techniques, group facilitation, physical approaches, pedagogical tools, development of mental skills (attention, concentration, etc.)
- Take a step back from one’s own practice and experience, by analyzing one’s professional practice.
- Develop an offer, set up and maintain a framework
Mental coaching or mental preparation for athletes is the psychological part of preparing a competitive athlete. It works alongside the development of physical qualities and technical-tactical skills.
These days, it’s not uncommon to find a trainer, a physical trainer, a medical team and, depending on the discipline, a choreographer, an agent and, of course, a mental coach around the competitive athlete.
We can distinguish between the notion of “mental training”, which aims to train mental skills (such as managing competitive stress or concentration), and “mental preparation”, which aims to prepare for a specific competition.
The aim is to help the athlete tackle the competition, cope with stress, galvanize and optimize all his or her assets.
The Mental Coach for Sport will be involved in the following areas:
- Coach/Coachee/ parent relations
- Coach’s discourse
- Managing performance-disturbing conflicts, stress, performance and counter-performance
- Psychological preparation before and after competition
- Mental strategies for success and goals
- Individual and collective motivation
- Team management and group dynamics
- Programming and planning psychological training.
Sessions are conducted in-person, online, and via phone calls.
We believe in the saying: A good coach is an ethical coach. Professional deontology and the confidentiality of our coaching sessions is fundamental.
Dettalli initiator is a travel professional who has worked in all aspects of the travel industry, from hotels to event management services. Working alongside peers in the hospitality industry, diving into the faced challenges and never-ending strategies, Maya decided to pursue Master Coaching to help improve employee performance through improving selves first.
Maya experience spans the globe as she has lived and worked in 8 countries so far and has serviced clients from all walks of life; With a fierce eye on detail, a professional certificate in General Psychology from Paris, a Master Coach certificate from Switzerland with European Union Accreditation and the advantage of five languages, communication is seamless.
Recommended books:
Good vibes, good life by VEX KING
Feeling good- the new mood therapy by DAVID D.BURNS
Coach the Person, Not the Problem: A Guide to Using Reflective Inquiry by M. Raynolds
Think Big: Take Small Steps and Build the Future You Want by Professor Grace Lordan

Contact Us
Thailand Office
161 Ratchadamri Road
Bangkok- 10330- Thailand
+ 66 890625653
Barcelona Office
Plaza Lesseps – Number 2
3rd floor- 3rd door- 08028- Barcelona – Spain
+34 603 495 961